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green's functions with applications 2e, dean g duffy [pdf]

Green's Functions with Applications by Dean G Duffy

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About this book :-
Green's Functions with Applications written by Dean G Duffy.
Green's Functions are heavily emphasized in graduate programs in engineering, applied math and physics. They're a useful way in solving many differential equation related problems in many fields. Unfortunately, for many (like me), the Green's Function (and it's uses) seemed restricted to 'textbook' problems. Not anymore.
I had to get this book for use at work. Even though Green Functions were introduced to me in graduate school, it was never a tool I got accustomed to. Because of the necessity (and now ease of use) of the Green's Functions, I had to learn to use it effectively. Now, with Duffy's book, I'm using as a tool in solving many E'nM and photonic problems.
Duffy's book on Green's Functions with Applications really develops the Green's Function mathematically based on physical and historical needs. At first, I thought the book might lead me into too 'mathematical' of a diversion than I cared for. Fortunately, this book balances mathematical rigor and practical use. Duffy further presses the uses of Green's Functions by introducing it into applications. These applications give a good run down on the concepts and techniques needed to apply it to other problems. Duffy book doesn't alienate the readers, and gives plenty of examples to allow the student to work out problems on their own.
Don't cut yourself short. Green's Functions are a useful tool, and Green's Functions with Applications by Dean G. Duffy is an effective way of learning to be fully competent with this tool (Green's Functions). A definite plus to self-learners and practicing professionals (and students).
This second edition systematically leads readers through the process of developing Green's functions for ordinary and partial differential equations. In addition to exploring the classical problems involving the wave, heat, and Helmholtz equations, the book includes special sections on leaky modes, water waves, and absolute/convective instability. The book helps readers develop an intuition about the behavior of Green's functions, and considers the questions of the computational efficiency and possible methods for accelerating the process.
(Dean G Duffy)

Book Detail :-
Title: Green's Functions with Applications
Edition: 2nd
Author(s): Dean G Duffy
Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC
Series: Studies in Advanced Mathematics
Year: 2001
Pages: 672
Type: PDF
Language: English
ISBN: 9781584881100,1584881100
Country: US
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About Author :-
The author Dean G Duffy received his bachelor of science in geophysics from Case Institute of Technology (Cleveland, Ohio) and his doctorate of science in meteorology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts).
He served in the United States Air Force from September 1975 to December 1979 as a numerical weather prediction officer. After his military service, he began a twenty-five year (1980 to 2005) association with NASA at the Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, Maryland) where he focused on numerical weather prediction, oceanic wave modeling and dynamical meteorology.
He also wrote papers in the areas of Laplace transforms, antenna theory, railroad tracks, and heat conduction. In addition to his NASA duties he taught engineering mathematics, differential equations and calculus at the United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland) and the United States Military Academy (West Point, New York). Drawing from his teaching experience, he has written several books on transform methods, engineering mathematics, Green’s functions and mixed boundary value problems.

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• Download PDF Mixed Boundary Value Problems by Dean G Duffy NEW
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Book Contents :-
Green's Functions with Applications written by Dean G Duffy cover the following topics. '
List of Definitions
1. Historical Development
2. Background Material
3. Green’s Functions for Ordinary Differential Equations
4. Green’s Functions for the Wave Equation
5. Green’s Functions for the Heat Equation
6. Green’s Functions for the Helmholtz Equation
7. Numerical Methods
Appendix: Relationship between Solutions of Helmholtz’s and Laplace’s Equations in Cylindrical and Spherical

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