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basic calculus: archimedes to newton alexander hahn [pdf]

Basic Calculus: From Archimedes to Newton to its Role in Science by Alexander J. Hahn

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About this book :-
Basic Calculus: From Archimedes to Newton to its Role in Science written by Alexander J. Hahn.
This text could as well have the little "The Story of Calculus". It weaves a tale of mathematics from the trigonometry of the Greeks, the analytie geometry of Deseartes, the calculus of Leibniz and Newton, to the role of calculus in a number of disciplines of basic science and modern economics.
This introductory calculus text was developed by the author through his teaching of an honors calculus course at Notre Dame. The book develops calculus, as well as the necessary trigonometry and analytic geometry, from witin the relevant historical context, and yet it is not a textbook in the history of mathematics as such. The notation is modern, and the material is selected to cover the basics of the subject. Special emphasis is placed on pedagogy throughout. Whhile emphasizing the broad applications of the subject, emphasis is placed on the mathematical content of the subject.

Book Detail :-
Title: Basic Calculus: From Archimedes to Newton to its Role in Science
Author(s): Alexander J. Hahn
Publisher: Key College
Year: 1998
Pages: 211
Type: PDF
Language: English
ISBN: 0387946063,9780387946061
Country: USA
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About Author :-
The author Alexander J. Hahn graduated from Loyola University Los Angeles with a bachelor's degree in 1965 and a degree from the University of Notre Dame , where he graduated in 1968 and received his PhD in 1970 from Timothy O'Meara (On the isomorphisms of the classical groups over infinite fields) [2] . As a post-doctoral student he was a Fellow of the National Science Foundation in West Germany. He has been Assistant Professor since 1973, Associate Professor since 1978, and Professor of Mathematics at the University of Notre Dame since 1984.
In 1982/83 he was a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara . In 1988 he was at the University of Innsbruck. He deals with orthogonal groups and other classical groups on bodies and integrity rings and in number theory, with quadratic and Hermitian forms, their Witt groups, K theory, Clifford algebras, and Azumaya algebras. In addition, he also deals with the history of science, for example, the experiments of Galileo Galilei . He wrote a popular science book on mathematics in architecture.

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Book Contents :-
Basic Calculus: From Archimedes to Newton to its Role in Science written by Alexander J. Hahn cover the following topics.
Part I. From Archimedes to Newton
1. The Greeks Measure the Universe
2. Ptolemy and the Dynamics of the Universe
3. Archimedes Computes Areas
4. A New Astronomy and a New Geometry
5. The Calculus of Leibniz
6. The Calculus of Newton
7. Principia
Part II. Calculus and the Sciences
8. Analysis of Functions
9. Connections with Statics, Dynamics and Optics
10. Basic Functions and Their Graphs
11. The Exponential Function and the Measurement of Age and Growth
12. The Calculus of Economics
13. Integral Calculus Meaning and Method
14. Integral Calculus and the Action of Forces


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